Monday 2 November 2015

Last Week's Shenanigans (26th October - 1st November)...

Thanks to my hectic week last week and the number of days I had off of work, I ended up working six days this week! Ouch! I'm absolutely knackered as a result ad don't really have a huge amount to say about what went on because not a whole lot did. I went on Wednesday (after work) to see the new James Bond film, 'Spectre' with Mat and really enjoyed it. The cast did a great job, familiar and new faces alike and the story was a pretty interesting one (though I still think that Skyfall is the best of the bunch). Also: gorgeous new Bond theme! Great job Sam Smith!

On Saturday it was Halloween but Mat and I don't really like to go out partying so instead we snuggled up in bed to watch 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'. It's seriously the perfect Halloween film in my opinion, with some really catchy songs to boot. We ate plenty of sweets too (as tradition dictates) but didn't do a whole lot other than that because neither of us finished work until very late in the evening. Sunday was my only day off in the week so I caught up on a ton of blog posts and did a few chores meaning I had a surprisingly productive day!

I Read:


Top Ten Tuesday: Horror Books I Would Love To Read

I Posted:

The Halloween Book Tag!
October Wrap-Up
Planned Reads For November

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